USA 2001

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USA 2001

In the summer'2001 I was staying with my friends in USA, in Plano, TX, for most of the time. I went there as a foreign exchange student for work and sightseeing. I was working for Domain Technologies as a software engineer/analyst developing a new version of their product - BoxView. 

I went there with my friend Stanisław and I met there three more students from Poland, Ilona, Bartek, and Andrzej. 

So, here are the photos taken during my stay there:

Best Shots About 20 best pictures from all galleries
Gallery 1 The first part of my stay, before the trip to the west of USA Gal1.rar
Gallery 2 At work plano.rar
Gallery 3 At swimming-pool party - recently disappeared :(
Gallery 4 Photos from my trip from Texas to California (and back) Trip.rar
Gallery 5 Rest of my stay in Plano and New York Gal5.rar



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Page created 2001-03-17 17:02:36, last edited 2003-11-10 12:44:51   by Marcin Wudarczyk