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8 grudnia 2001 roku na kursie Filipa spotkałem Pana Boga. Zrozumiałem, że Bóg działa w naszym życiu cały czas, i działanie to jest bardzo, bardzo realne. Bóg kocha i Ciebie - wystarczy poprosić, a On zostanie z Tobą na zawsze. Od tej pory Twoje życie nie będzie już takie same, bo Bóg jest naprawdę niesamowity. Bóg zmieni Twoje życie na tyle, na ile Mu pozwolisz - On bardzo szanuje Twoją wolność.

Jeżeli chcesz zaprosić Boga do Twojego życia, po prostu go poproś. Możesz też pojechać na Kurs "Filip", weekendowe rekolekcje i Twoje osobiste spotkanie z Bogiem. Przeczytaj też moje świadectwo.


On 8th december 2001 I have met God. I've understood that He is active in our lives, and is very, very real. God loves you, too. All you have to do is to ask, and he will stay with you forever. Your life will change a lot, because God is really incredible, but He will never force you to change it, because he respects your free will.

If you want to invite God in your life, just ask him. You may also come to  Philip Courses.(Kurs "Filip"), a weekend of your personal meeting with God. You can also read my story of meeting God, but currently only in polish :(

What's new:

25-06-2003 - New gallery - My Community in 2003

27-04-2003 - A large update - galleries updated, new papers in Education department

15-04-2003 - Pictures from Italy finally added!

17-09-2002 -  More pictures - this time from kayaks - see Photos

15-09-2002 - New galleries in PHP - see Photos

17-08-2002 - My testimony added.

19-06-2002 - New server - all pictures in place.

more ...

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Hi! My name is Marcin Wudarczyk and this is my web site. Currently it is under construction, because I don’t have much time to finish it. Don't get scared of my picture - it is the only one I had (form my driving licence) when I had access to scanner. I will try to replace it when I'll get a better one.

I live in Poland, in beautiful city of Warsaw, which is capital of my country. I am currently 21 (in year 2002) and was born in 1980 in Warsaw.

I am a fourth year student of computer science faculty at Warsaw University of Technology (PW) and third year student at Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)

Currently I'm in process of setting up a comany with my friend, named Narrow Gate Logic. If you need young, open-minded team of programmers - we are the right choice.

My main interests are: computer science, bicycling, movies, and reading books.

I also very like programming and things connected to computers. You can learn what I do on Programming Page. The other things I did you can view on page Education and my current and previous projects are listed on Projects Page. The other things I've done you can see on Arts page. 

You may also want to check out my resume.

I have a sister and a brother, they are 16 and 17 now (2002). They are studying in a high school.

Feel free to check this site out and enjoy it. Have a nice day.


Gadu-Gadu number: 1069615 status: Talk to me


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Page created 2001-03-17 17:02:36, last edited 2003-11-10 12:44:51   by Marcin Wudarczyk