Canada in the nineties

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Canada's economy in the nineties

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The paper is now published

As the title says, the paper is about Canada's economy. It was my jib to be done for economic history classes at WSE. And I completed it, after hours of hard work. It has been evaluated recently. 

Like I said, I had to work hard to write it, so I want you to make use of it. So, you can use the paper wherever you want provided you state my name and web address. 


This paper describes the changes that took place in the Canadian economy in years 1990-1999. It includes introduction with most relevant informations about the economy, overview of events before 1990. The topics of the paper are: 1990-91 crisis and the process of recovery, the influence of FTA and NAFTA to the structure of economy, description of external debt and making two ends of federal budget meet, the impact of Asia crisis to Canada. 

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My paper was recently evaluated by by teacher in WSE and I got 5,5. In our school that's the best grade possible to get, so I'm quite happy. And also that means that the paper is pretty good, so you may find it interesting.

Old stuff:


This is the bibliography for my paper. It is not full, This is the version I handed my professor, but since that time I've found many interesting articles about Canada. The full version is in the text of paper. You may want to see MS Word2000 version.


Also, before I would start writing the paper, I had to hand to my teacher a plan for the paper. Well, it was accepted, so now I'm writing it. This is the plan in HTML version and in MS Word2000 version.

The progress

It's 24.04.2001 and I have mostly finished it. I have only write the beginning, a brief description of Canada's economy. I will finish it on time.

24.05.2001 - my paper has been evaluated for 5,5 and I am very happy. This is the end of my work on this paper. Now I started to work on my statistical analysis of some sample for statistics classes in WUT.


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Page created 2001-03-17 17:02:36, last edited 2003-11-10 12:44:51   by Marcin Wudarczyk